To help prospective customers discover the ease, safety and efficiency of Controlled Pyrolysis® Cleaning Furnaces, we offer Free Test Cleanings. Each test is videotaped to provide participating companies full visual access to the process and the cleaning results.
Testing & Cleaning Powdered Covered Parts to Perfection
The video with this blog shows a cleaning test for a paint line in an automotive manufacturing equipment plant. The test featured large multi-pronged paint racks coated in layers of cured black paint. As evidenced by the video, when the cleaning cycle is completed the thick coating of black paint has been reduced to a fine ash. Then, with a quick wipe with a clean cloth or a water rinse, the racks are “pristine” and ready for service on the production line. Paint and Powder Coating operations are one of our biggest markets because Pollution Control “Burn-Off” Ovens safely and efficiently keep paint lines moving and pristine – in large operations furnaces can run 24 hours a day.
Certified & Field-Tested Cleaning Furnaces
Field-tested in over 800 industry classifications, including the U.S. Military, PCPC Furnaces cover the entire field of thermal stripping and industrial cleaning with specialized furnaces for paint and powder coaters, plastics processors, the chemical and fiber industry, engine rebuilders, oil and gas producers, electric motor rebuilders and hundreds of other unique applications such as precious metals extraction and diesel fuel filter reclamation.
PCPC Controlled Pyrolysis® Cleaning Furnaces safely cleans:
- Manufacturing Dies
- Polymer Extruder Hardware
- Filters and Nozzles
- Polymer Melt Pumps
- Spinnerets
- Die Screws
- Screens
- Paint hooks, racks and rates
- Painted Metal Parts
- Engine Blocks and Parts
- Metal or Ceramic Catalysts
- Production Piping
- Heat Exchangers
- Transformers and Oil Filters
- And 100’s of other metal parts and equipment
To set up your FREE TEST CLEANING call Sales at (214) 358-1539.